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The best purchase I've EVER made in my baby career!

Ok I'm really excited if you can't tell! I found this awesome car seat (with base) and stroller frame new in box on craigslist this morning for $100, not too bad. I was trying to find more pictures of it when I found a post from a blog saying that it was ringing up at Target for $35! The post was dated from yesterday, so I called my Target and they said we have 3 but I can't hold any of them. So I rushed over there. The original price is $98 since it's on clearance but it rings up $35!!! I would have bought all 3 but just one BARELY fit into my car. It's a Graco Snugrider Boxy Style. The car seat is really cute, it's blue and gray sort of checkered. It's definitely not ugly or old school looking and it neutral! Call your local Targets ladies! I live in Denver but there's people all over finding them!

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